Saturday, February 22, 2014

dvusMedia - Chiba City Contract

About the same time as the Mission post [Early October 2000] there was another story thread about "Bang Bang" Johnny the "Outside Contractual Expert" created by Jacques Chester . Naturally Johnny lived an interesting life... especially when he visited Chiba to straighten out a problem with a Ziabatsu... or was it the Yakusa? Whatever the case, it led to Johnny using some of his talents in death an mayhem.

When I read the story line I loved the idea -- so I flipped on the music mixing app and off I went... the result [with a new remaster] is HERE It was announced as "officially released" in the Chatsubo on Oct., 4, 2000. I made a comment about maybe going back to writing a certain writer/music critic replied: "no no man.. stay with the music... we need a soundtrack for our stories."

Sometimes it was fun to write these themes and sometimes a drag... this was the beginning of my painting sometimes vast Musical Soundscapes...

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